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Skyfire CNC website is updating
From£ºskyfirecnc  Date£º2015-3-31  Hits£º2957   

After some dark days in 2014, Skyfire CNC stands up again and be ready to come back to CNC business and keep providing high quality & low cost CNC machines and machine parts to world wide users. 

 We bring our newly developed SVM-1 series machine and will finish our old orders ASAP. 24 hour online service avaliable from now.


Many thanks to a lot of great friends who trusted and supported us. We will not fail you. Give us some time and we will prove it.



Even we have met some troubles before, Skyfire will continue to prove we are valuable and trustable CNC supplier in this field. 


About Us
Skyfire is an unique team in CNC community. We bring ourown developed SKYFIRE series CNC machines from desktop to industrial sizes. We are seeking the best combine of art and Machinery from engineer¡¯s view. And also providing high quality CNC parts from SKYFIRE developments.........[More]
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